I feel like I’m going nuts and I love it! 

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Today I wake up from dreaming about waking up. I just started a new blog and I have been so excited downloading, configuring, reading, and exploring new ways to be connected. I have an obsession to be plugged in. Just the other day I was flying back from Hong Kong with no internet on the plane (when are these international planes gonna get some wifi? Pls! ) and I couldn’t see the French Open finals that I have been waiting to watch this whole year.Damn it!!!  Luckly I downloaded 10 iBooks right before take off. I finished one on basic PHP programming so when I landed I could know more about tweaking this blog.lol I feel like I’m going nuts and I love it! Everytime I learn something new about coding  I get this excited feeling. That feeling you know you’re in the right direction! 

After I post this I will spend the next 5 hours connecting my suite of streaming apps to Amazon cloud! Then I will be back streaming and connecting with the world again in 1080P. Check ya later! -foo

Chat Baby


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